Outreach Agencies - services and support
Tresca can help you access a number of Tasmanian and national agencies and organisations, such as those listed below.
Direct help is also available at Tresca, where our caring staff can help you fill out forms for Centrelink, passports, rent applications and more. If you need help with reading, writing or numbers, or know someone who does, Tresca and the Exeter Online Centre (in the Tresca building) have volunteers who are happy to help in a private and confidential way. |
Community Lending for TasmaniansTresca is a local agent for the NILS network of Tasmania.
NILS provide interest free loans of up to $1500 for essential items and services such as whitegoods, car registration/repairs, dental and orthodontic treatment, school trips, computers & furniture. Many other items may qualify for a Nils loan, so if unsure, give the lovely folks at Nils a call to check. To be eligible, you must have a pension or healthcare card, have lived at your current address for at least 6 months, and be able to repay the loan. You can find more information on the NILS website at www.nilstasmania.org.au or by phoning 1300 301 650. |
Counselling and SupportWhen you are making decisions about your life it's important to have good information and support.
Your health, your relationships, your home, your finances - Anglicare can help as you consider your options and take steps towards a positive future. Their mission is to achieve social justice and provide the opportunity for people to reach fullness of life. Anglicare's counselling and support services can be accessed at Tresca by arrangement. Please contact Aglicare for more details on 1800 243 232 (free call). You can find out more about Anglicare's services on their website at www.anglicare-tas.org.au. |
Tresca is proud to be a host venue for the Tamar Valley U3A
Membership is open to people aged over 55 years, retired or semi-retired. Annual membership costs $40 and covers the cost of up to 3 classes per term. U3A operates as a cooperative, with members as the coordinators organising courses, membership and venues. Tutors come from the membership base. U3A is an informal learning model, with no written assignments, no exams and no degrees. For more information on Tamar Valley U3A, please visit their website or call the U3A office at Beaconsfield Online Centre on 6383 1146 (Monday 10am - 2pm) |